Oh and hello you lovely migraine that loves to visit me almost everyday! I'm not trying to complain and I'm so sorry if I'm coming off like this.. But can I get a few days and not have a headache.. I've seriously thought about cutting all of my hair off because it's the longest it's been in years! And when I am doing something like cleaning, doing laundry, cooking and ect.. I have a very bad habit of putting my hair up into a tight pony tail.. Why you might ask.. Well my mother, aunts, grandma and ect would put my hair up sooooooooo tight I swear my face would be pulled back lol. So I'm used to it being tight and neat and out of my way. Having you hair up is not healthy for your hair.. So why keep it long anyways? Well I'm getting married in 1 month 1 week and 1 day! I want my hair to be long and flowing.. Now afterwards is a totally different story lol..
Anyways.. I always get these horrible headaches, and they always end up being migraines towards the end of the headache. Then I have these symptoms along with my headaches/migraines: pounding, ringing, dizziness, nausea, hot/cold flashes, short blackouts, and sometimes a clammy feeling.. Not a fun thing to deal with.. I know having my hair growing out doesn't help it.. But like I said I want my hair long for when I say I do.. And I like it! But I don't like dealing with this BS! There are some days the headache is just there but I can cope with it and I just ignore it as much as possible.. But when it gets bad don't even whisper to me! Don't like them at all! Like always dealing with many other medical problems and other painful things in my life.. I try to just get used to it.. And ignore them a lot.. I just don't like the side effects I get from them sometimes.. I mean who wants to be dizzy, nauseous, ears ringing, head throbbing, hot/cold flashes, short blackouts (meaning if I move too fast or walk up or down the stairs it sometimes starts getting dark)
Anyways I think I'm going to close this post.. And try to lay down for a bit.. Oh BTW! I watched Never say Never by Justin Bieber himself lol.. And I will admit I liked it.. And I'm happy for the guy! Way to go JB! lol Ok I feel weird now! Have a nice day everyone! And may all your dreams, wishes, wants, needs, and desires be fulfilled ♥♥♥♥
Thanks for reading